
The power of an engaged community in discovering new apps, games, contents, creators, products, tokens, NFTs and brands

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Are you a developer or publisher?

Promote your
App, Dapps &

Discover.App allows you to redirect eyeballs to your apps, dapps and games for a flat monthly subscription. You will lots of get downloads without a huge budget. You can also pay your users to promote your app on their social platforms
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Are you a Consumer or Superfan?

Discover, share
& promote new apps, content and get paid!

You will get paid and rewarded for posting a video review of your favorite app and game on your TikTok and Instagram. The more people watch your review, the more money you make.
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Are you a Creator, Influencer or Celebrity?

Market yourself and your content to the Discover.App community

Discover.App allows you to subscribe and to post snippets of your content and to redirect users / audience to your account on Youtube, Spotify or any platform you choose. You will get more followers! Additionally, you will be paid to promote other apps, games and products or to create user generated content for brands.
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The first reward powered video discovery platform & community for everyone.Join Us!

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